This page contains a summary of the way I, Joel Williams (ABN 32 229 832 846) manages personal information collected on people who access this website, and people who contract with me for the provision of services (‘customer’).
My policy is to:
- Collect only as much personal information as is required to provide you with an effective service and meet legal obligations
- Hold the information in a secure manner
- Give you access to the information if you request it and the means to change it if it is incorrect
- Destroy personal information when it is no longer required
- Not sell or otherwise make available the personal details of customers to third parties
Google Analytics is configured to track usage of this web site ( Information is collected in order to better understand the web site’s usage.
Hosted web sites are owned and operated by other people. This privacy policy does not necessarily extend to any personal information they might collect in the course of their operations. The owner of each web site is responsible for the privacy of any personal information collected through their web site and for complying with relevant privacy laws.
If you are the registrant of an .AU domain name, AUDA WHOIS Policy contains important privacy information relevant to you, including how some of your personal information will be disclosed on the WHOIS service.